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Chaijareantsup Engineering and Construction Co.,Ltd. Is located on 463/22 Jaransanitwong Road, Bangkhunsri, Bangkoknoi, Bangkok, 10700.


        Our company established on September 13, 2001, with 1,000,000 BTH of our registered capital. We have been running the turn-key electric system business for 8 years. In an effort to produce the best quality of work and also strive for the satisfaction of the customers. So, we always create new ideas and the way for working on the condition that……..


Responsibility  :  Devotion for the satisfaction of the customers.

Vision                  :   Reach to the best is our purpose.

Definition          :   Create good things / Innovation.

Principle             :   The customers are the first / Good teamwork.




                Our responsibility is devotion for the satisfaction of the customers with our strength and ability. We will give the best services for serving what the customers needs, and this is also our principal company policy.


                The executive and all the officers are always concentrate our effort on working, every work that were created by us, we have developed from what the customers needs. So, we are so proud to say that “we have a part to get the gratification for an achievement.”




                We have the purpose to reach to the best of business, we emphasize on giving sincere and good services to the customers and developing the tools and equipments, quality of personnel and safety for improving our working to correspond to the engineering standard.




                Create good things: We always express our resolute intention to create the great work for the satisfaction of the customers.


                  We always try to develop our personnel to have the ability to work, we arrange the meeting for training the officers to be the best of quality for working and can be satisfy the customers also.



                  We always share ideas and muster up all our strength to push our policy to be achieved what we expect to do with all our resolute intention.


                Innovation:  We always try to improve and develop our work including the business process to be always up-to-date all the time. We make an effort to run a business with our enthusiasm to find the opportunities and new knowledge of engineering.


                “We believe that the trouble or crisis that happened with us, it is the good opportunity for us to improve ourselves. And when it is all passed, it is become a great value experience for all of us.”


                Moral:  We always service to all customers with our respect and righteous. We have the diligence and uprightness in our profession to enhance the potentiality of personnel and company.


                  We powerfully run a business with our honesty and firmly believe in statute and ethics. That is the reason why the customers have trust in us.


                  We try to maintain the guarantee of work as we are the company who will be responsible for your work.




                Customer is the first:  The most important for us is “All Customers”. Every day, we have the customers’ viewpoint in our mind and we will keep developing our work to be the best quality for truly serving what the customer needs.


                Teamwork:  We pay respect to organization’s culture, we always respect for the different opinion of each person to make everyone in organization have the right understanding together.


                  We always try to enhance our potentiality of working with all strength to accomplish our goal.


                  We cooperate with each other with our understanding to enhance our relationship.


                Personnel Policy:  Training the officers to be conscious of “how to give good services to customers, having knowledge of engineering, being virtuous and the most important is the security of working”, which we still give the great welfare, stableness and progress of profession to them.

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